Dear Parents, teachers and beloved students,…trust and be lead unto the fullness of life
Centuries ago in our ancient vedic land our fathers lit the torch of human consciousness, in the light of which one could have an holistic understanding of the living realities of life. Realities that comprise the spiritual, material, the emotional, the philosophical and the aesthetic in man and in the whole of creation.
Like a paradox, the world today offers constant images of contradictions. Sadly, going by logic hardly anything makes sense; yet at other times and at another level all seems to fall into place. Heartbreakingly, we get impoverished.
The happenings around us, and across the world, the blood stains in the pavement and roads of nations; the cries of the innocents; the lamentations within millions of homes are not only incapacitating us to capture ourselves in our imaginations, but are challenging us to define ourselves in our brilliance too.
We need to be reminded that our faith is truly tested when the horizon before us is the blackest. Faith in ourselves, faith in humanity and faith in God.
Are not the bizarre happenings in the world testing our faith?
Are not the lives that we continue to burn alive questioning our consciousness?
Are not the strong religious, regional and casteic undercurrents which the ruthless criminals implanted in us and which breathe fire across the globe ruining our divine self?
Are not the self-doubt and feelings of fear and powerlessness testimony to our rejection of God, the Creator of the universe.
Scriptures say that firstly God breathed LIGHT and life into the world. Light, that man may see the beauty of His Creation. Light, that man may enjoy the innumerable gifts that He bestowed. Light, that man may bear witness and participate in the activity of continued creation.
Darkness that has befallen us must therefore move and LIGHT MUST PREVAIL.
Affirmative, brave, purposeful and enlightened action must begin and all discrimination, manipulation and acts of ignorance must end, so that not only do we travel closer to our Creator but that we may be able to provide our children a place to live and play peacefully and merrily.
With profoundest regards,
Shri Jose Kurian
Regional Director
D.A.V. Public Schools
Western Region Zone-II