Education primarily aims at learning life skills, knowing and realizing one’s own innate capabilities and thus empowering oneself, to live fruitfully and purposefully; and also to be helpful in promoting human values for welfare and happiness to all.
Since the learner, here the student, is an integral part of the larger whole – the family, the society and the world, all dealings with the student is also an activity that necessarily involves the community. This means, all those who came in contact with the learner, viz; the teachers, the parents and the community are all equal stake-holders in education.
To inculcate values and to build up the necessary skills for the acquisition of right knowledge, it has thus become imperative to sensitize, involve, enlighten, empower and endear all the stake-holders, so that not only the empowering of the learner becomes effective and enriching but also the process becomes purposeful and fulfilling.
Realizing that the parents, the teachers and the community as a whole have thus a mazor role to play in the education of the children, their overall growth and development, and their ultimate identification and integration with society , D.A.V International School, Ahmedabad earnestly invites the active participation and involvement of the stakeholders especially, the parents the educationist, social workers and all those who are interested and involved in the healthy development and well being of children through its guidance and counselling center. With a view to further motivate and encourage the friends of learner many theme focused orientation programmes, seminars and other education activities are being initiated by the school.