Educational Learning Program
D.A.V. International School borrows from the various concepts and theories of visionaries such as Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, International Educationists like Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner to make its teaching learning processes and the school environment more scientific, relevant and humane.
In keeping with the philosophies of these visionaries, D.A.V. International has created an environment, which encourages age appropriate learning, creativity, expression and freedom to explore. With specially designed infrastructure, caring staff and a well researched proven, teaching learning methodology, we at D.A.V. ensure an appropriate balance between physical, spiritual and emotional development of our children. 
At D.A.V. we believe in making learning an enjoyable and sought after experience. Children at D.A.V., spend quality time with trained educators who understand the children and enable them to become more creative, innovative, curious and independent.
E3The teaching learning model is based upon the E3 learning model.
Explore: At D.A.V, we believe that exploration is the key to learning. Giving our children freedom and an environment to explore enables us to build and sustain curiosity to learn.
Experience: A unique learning experience every day, is what we strive for at D.A.V. Ensuring right content with right connect is what adds to the teaching —learning experience at D.A.V. We firmly believe that a hands on approach to learning ensures elevated levels of retention and understanding.
Encourage: Encouragement and recognition, play a very important role in development of the child. At D.A.V. we believe that more the children participate more they understand the spirit of teamwork, competition, sportsmanship and acceptance. Encouragement builds confidence and confidence leads to higher achievement.
Broader Horizon

Since, the most valuable part of the child’s life is spent under the roof of the school and mere instructions in prescribed courses would lead to only lopsided development, a comprehensive Co-curricular Learning Program ensures that our children get ample opportunities to participate in various activities enabling them to identify their Preliminary interests.
The main objective of the co curricular program is, to let our children develop characteristics like, self confidence, sense of co-operation, spirit of emulation & appreciation. We aim to ensure healthy competition, team spirit and give children opportunities, to display leadership, camaraderie & enjoy the moments of achievement. Co-curricular learning program is closely threaded into the academic program of the school thus ensuring that children receive a balanced developmental input.
The Co-curricular Learning Program is divided into three stages:
Initiation: In this stage the children are initiated to a gamut of activities. The children are encouraged to try a hand at different activities in order to gauge their interest in an activity.
Preparation: Under the able guidance of experts children are coached in their field of interest. In this stage the children get acquainted with the technical and practical aspects of their selected activity. The children during the stage of preparation start at the Beginners module.
Showcase: Here the children are given an opportunity to perform for an audience. This ensures that the children gain in confidence and rise to an occasion whenever required. It also gives them a chance to test their mettle in real life, enjoy the praise that they receive and also have a chance to improve their skills. Every showcase is treated as a tribute to the teacher/guru who has shared his knowledge with the children.
Students of all ages should enjoy and benefit from outings, visits and field trips - the many and varied ways in which their education can be enhanced by seeing something new, by going somewhere different. Students are encouraged to widen their horizons through a variety of activities and outings and these are different in purpose and in length. Older students seek information for their history, geography or science projects, and may travel to a new place for a cross cultural exchange programme . For the younger students, visits to local institutions and places of interest will provide similar opportunities on a smaller scale. Whatever the age of the student or the scope of the project, the opportunity to look beyond the immediate will enhance his/her perception.
At D.A.V. International School children participate in a gamut of activities/competitions through out their academic life at the school.

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