- Transport Service for DAV International School is outsourced to an Agency.
- Transport fees shall be charged as per the kilometer chart displayed alongside the transport Route mentioned on the Transport Information Board in the school. The Fee is based on the distance (km) the bus travels on a particular route as per the Route chart.
- Please note that Transport Fee is Non Refundable.
- Kindly note the distance chart has been managed/set on basis of the stops allotted on a particular Route.
- Bus routes are drawn keeping in view the overall feasibility, logistics and time constraints. The distance slab is calculated accordingly for all stops and indicated in the lists of bus routes displayed. Please note that this may/may not match with individual calculation of distance.
- Door to door pickup/ drop is neither offered nor assured.
- No changes in the routes or stops shall be made for short notices/ duration. Parents may apply for change in stops/ routes only in case of change of their residence and they have to choose the relative new option from the route/ stop already available. No new Stops/ Routes shall be created on request.
- Parent should reach the allocated Bus Stop 5 minutes prior to the time indicated in the route list.
- Parents may please note that all children will be allowed to board/ get down from the bus only at their designated stop.
- Children shall be handed over only on presentation of Authorization Card.
- Parents and Guardians must be present at the stops with Authorized Identity Card to handover / receive the children. No child will be handed over to any person without authorized identity card. In such cases the child shall be brought back to the school and the parents shall make their own arrangement to pick up their ward from the school.
- In case a child, miss the school bus from the designated stop the parent shall drop the child directly at the school campus. Trying to board the school bus from any other stop is not allowed as this affects the attendance at the stop.
- No person/ Parent other than school staff is allowed to enter the school bus. In case any unauthorized person tries to enter bus, strict preventive measures may be taken as deemed fit and as are in the interest of security.
- Behavior of all children in connection to the School Transport must be in accordance to the norms. In case of any deviation from the acceptable behavior, the school may withdraw the service provided to such a student temporarily or permanently, as deemed fit.
- Bus routes and stops are fixed and final. In case of any clarification the Transporter can be approached during normal working hours.